Seminario de Física | Mi 06 de octubre 2021 | 15:30 horas | Dr. Graeme S.B. Smith

10/06/2021 - 15:30


Los invitamos a participar del seminario que dictará el Dr. Graeme S.B. Smith, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder

El webinar se realizará el miércoles 6 de octubre de 2021 a las 15:30 horas mediante la plataforma Zoom.

Para acceder, deben ingresar el día y hora señalados a sus cuentas Zoom con la siguiente información:

Meeting ID: 861 8699 4899
Passcode: 826966



Titulo: The theory of quantum information: channels, capacities, and all that

Expositor: Dr. Graeme S.B. Smith

Afiliación: Assistant Professor • Associate Fellow - JILA. Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder


Abstract: Information theory offers mathematically precise theory of communication and data storage that guided and fueled the information age. Initially, quantum effects were thought to be an annoying source of noise, but we have since learned that they offer new capabilities and vast opportunities. Quantum information theory seeks to identify, quantify, and ultimately harness these capabilities. A basic resource in this context is a noisy quantum communication channel, and a central goal is to figure out its capacities---what can you do with it? I’ll highlight the new and fundamentally quantum aspects that arise here, such as the role of entanglement, ways to quantify it, and bizarre new kinds of synergies between resources. These ideas elucidate the nature of communication in a quantum context, as well as revealing new facets of quantum theory itself.